The Interior of the Earth Quiz

Created on By RKS

The Interior of the Earth Quiz-1

Top Quiz questions and answers on the Interior of the Earth (Basic Quiz)

1 / 10

What do we call the innermost layer inside the Earth?

2 / 10

What do we call the outer layer of the Earth?

3 / 10

Earth’s outer layer is called —-

4 / 10

The molten rock erupting out of volcano is called Lava

5 / 10

From interior to surface, the correct sequence of Earth

6 / 10

Which method do we generally use for determining the structure of the earth’s interior?

7 / 10

The hot molten rock found inside the Earth is called —-

8 / 10

The Earth’s inner core is made up of what two metals?

9 / 10

How hot is the Earth’s inner core?

10 / 10

The layer which extends up to 2,900 km below Earth’s outer crust …

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