Free Quiz Questions on Astronomy: A Great Mega Quiz Set

We all are fascinated as well as perplexed by unimaginably vast Universe and the mysteries surrounding it. Our Universe comprises of trillions of stars, galaxies, black holes, enormous clouds of gases, and many other fascinating objects in the Universe. Right from our childhood, we have been curious to unwind the mysteries of the Universe and innumerable questions always came to our mind.

This fun-filled quiz site takes you on a journey to the mysterious world of the Universe, galaxies, stars, constellations, solar system, planets, asteroids, comets, etc. Additional quizzes on space exploration and space program by various countries, famous astronauts and astronomers, Moon exploration, solar & lunar eclipses, phases of moons, picture quizzes, comparison of planets, weight & age on different planets, pioneers of astronomy, puzzles, jumbled word, search the word etc. are also given. The answers to all the questions are given.

So, enjoy your journey to the mysteries of the Universe!


The Universe

Let us explore the mysteries of Universe, origin of universe, big bang theory, galaxies, , the milky way galaxy, constellations and stars

The Solar System

Learn to know everything about our solar system, sun, the only star in our solar system, our own planet earth and other seven planets. Also learn about dwarf planets, moons of other in solar system, asteroids, meteorites, comets. solar eclipse , lunar eclipse and so on …

Earth & Moon

Learn everything about our beautiful planet, The earth, the interiors of Earth, Season on Earth, Geography of the Earth and Earth’s atmospahere. Also about the only Moon of the Earth and phases of the Moon.

Space exploration

Humans have always been looking curiously towards heavenly bodies in the space and wondered about the nature of the such objects seen in the night sky. Let us take a journey to explore the space by various astronauts through various space missions using spacecrafts.

Astronomy Picture quiz

Can you identify the famous pictures of planets, constellations, astronomers and other heavenly bodies. Here are well composed, interesting questions to identify well known pictures

Amazing Facts on Astronomy

Watch Quiz on YouTube

Your weight on different Planets- Planets Weight Calculator