Phases of the Moon Quiz

Created on By RKS

Phases of the Moon Quiz-1

Top Multiple Choice Questions with answers on Phases of the Moon (Basic Quiz)

1 / 10

What is the phase of the Moon when the Moon sits between the Sun and the Earth?

2 / 10

How often do the phases of the Moon cycle repeat?

3 / 10

How much of the moon is illuminated by the sun at any given point of time?


4 / 10

What is the phase of the Moon when more than half of the Moon is lit up?

5 / 10

What do you call a phase of the Moon when less than half of the Moon is lit up?

6 / 10

The moon is said to be waning when any portion of the moon’s right half is not visible or when the illuminated sliver is on the left

7 / 10

The moon is waxing when the illuminated sliver is on the right, or if the left half of the moon is predominantly shadowed

8 / 10

What the phase of the Moon when exactly half of the Moon is lit up?

9 / 10

The waning crescent will grow smaller and smaller every day, until the Moon looks like the —

10 / 10

What is the phase of the Moon when 100% of the Moon is lit up?

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