The Sun Quiz 93 Created on April 05, 2023 By RKS The Sun Quiz-1 Top Multiple Choice Questions on Sun in Solar system (Basic Quiz) 1 / 10 The only star in our solar system? Sun Alpha Centauri Proxima Centauri Sirius 2 / 10 The majority of the gas on Sun is —? Oxygen Hydrogen Nitrogen Helium 3 / 10 What is the percentage of the mass of Earth compared to the mass of the Sun? 0.03 % 0.003% 0.0003% 0.00003% 4 / 10 How many planet Earths can be fitted inside Sun? 0.3 million 1.3 million 3.3 million 6.3 million 5 / 10 What is the diameter of the Sun compared to earth? 59 times 89 times 109 times 219 times 6 / 10 What is the weight of the Sun as compared to Earth? 111,000 times 222,000 times 333,000 times 555,000 times 7 / 10 Sun alone accounts for how much mass of the total mass in the Solar System? 5.8 % 45.8 % 77.8 % 99.8 % 8 / 10 How long has the sun existed in its present state? About 1 billion About 2 billion About 4 billion About 8 billion 9 / 10 The thermonuclear reactions near the sun’s center convert …? Hydrogen to Helium Nitrogen to Helium Helium to Hydrogen Helium to Nitrogen 10 / 10 What type of star is the sun today? White dwarf Hypergiant Yellow dwarf Supergiant Your score isThe average score is 49% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Take next level Quiz on Sun (Medium level) … coming soon Take other related Quizzes on Solar system The Solar System Quiz The Sun Quiz The Mercury Quiz The Venus Quiz The Earth Quiz The Mars Quiz The Jupiter Quiz The Saturn Quiz The Uranus Quiz The Neptune Quiz Moons of other Planets The Dwarf Planets Quiz Comets Quiz Asteroids Quiz Meteorites Quiz Solar Eclipse Quiz Lunar Eclipse Quiz