The Sun Quiz

Created on By RKS

The Sun Quiz-1

Top Multiple Choice Questions on Sun in Solar system (Basic Quiz)

1 / 10

The only star in our solar system?

2 / 10

The majority of the gas on Sun is —?

3 / 10

What is the percentage of the mass of Earth compared to the mass of the Sun?

4 / 10

How many planet Earths can be fitted inside Sun?

5 / 10

What is the diameter of the Sun compared to earth?

6 / 10

What is the weight of the Sun as compared to Earth?

7 / 10

Sun alone accounts for how much mass of the total mass in the Solar System?

8 / 10

How long has the sun existed in its present state?


9 / 10

The thermonuclear reactions near the sun’s center convert …?

10 / 10

What type of star is the sun today?

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