The Solar System Quiz

Created on By RKS

Solar System Quiz-1

Top Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) wuth answers on Solar system Quiz-1(Basic Quiz)

1 / 10

How many planets are there in our solar system?

2 / 10

A day on planet Venus is longer than a year

3 / 10

Which planet has only one moon?

4 / 10

Which among the following planets has no moon?

5 / 10

Which planet in our solar system has maximum number of moons?

6 / 10

Which is the planet with  spectacular ring system?

7 / 10

The planet farthest from Sun?

8 / 10

The planet nearest to Sun?

9 / 10

Which is the biggest planet in the solar system?

10 / 10

Which is the smallest planet in the solar system?

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The average score is 74%


Take the next level Quiz-2 on Solar System (Medium Level)

Created on By RKS

Solar System Quiz-2

Top Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with answers on Solar System (Medium Level)

1 / 10

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars are called —-

2 / 10

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are called —-?

3 / 10

Which is the densest planet of the solar system?

4 / 10

Least dense planet of our solar system?

5 / 10

Which planet has the minimum orbital velocity?

6 / 10

Which planet has the maximum orbital velocity?

7 / 10

Who discovered Uranus?

8 / 10

Venus is the brightest planet in our Solar system.

9 / 10

How many stars in our solar system?

10 / 10

Number of recognized dwarf planets in our solar system?

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The average score is 53%


Take Quiz-2, the next level quiz on Solar System (Medium Level) … coming soon
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