Moons of other Planets

Created on By RKS

Moons of other Planets Quiz-1

Top Multiple Choice Questions with answers on Moons of Other Planets in Solar system (Basic Quiz)

1 / 10

There are more than 200 moons in our solar system?

2 / 10

Moons are also known as —-

3 / 10

Which of the following planets do not have any moon?

4 / 10

Which is the largest moon of our solar system?

5 / 10

Which is the second largest moon of our solar system?


6 / 10

Callisto is the third largest moon in our solar system

7 / 10

Which is the most volcanically active moon in the solar system?

8 / 10

Which of the following moons are larger than planet Mercury?

9 / 10

Moons of which planet are named after great literature

10 / 10

On this moon, there may be a possibility of life?

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