Meteorites Quiz

Created on By RKS

Meteorites Quiz-1

Top Multiple Choice Questions with answers on Meteorites in Solar system (Basic Quiz)

1 / 10

What do we call a small particle from a comet or asteroid orbiting the Sun?

2 / 10

Shooting stars are known as …

3 / 10

The stony meteorite is composed of

4 / 10

The Hoba Meteorite, which struck down the Earth was discovered in 1920. But actually, it slammed into the Earth roughly how many years ago?

5 / 10

A meteoroid travels through our atmosphere, it is heated by friction

6 / 10

Most meteorites are one of three types: stony, stony-iron, or iron.

7 / 10

What is the largest known meteorite on the Earth, which originally impacted in Namibia, Africa

8 / 10

Which meteor is privately owned by the Barringer family?

9 / 10

Every day, Earth is bombarded with more than 100 tons of dust and sand-sized particles.

10 / 10

A meteoroid that survives its passage through the Earth’s atmosphere and lands upon the Earth’s surface is called —-

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