Comets Quiz

Created on By RKS

The Comets Quiz-1

Top Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with answers on Comets in Solar system (Basic Quiz)

1 / 10

An irregularly shaped body composed mostly of a mixture of water ice, dust, carbon and silicon-based compounds with a glowing tail is called —-

2 / 10

Comets are often called?

3 / 10

What do we call the bright glow around the head of a comet?

4 / 10

The tail extends from the comet and points —-

5 / 10

Comets originate from a region of space outside the solar system called the —-

6 / 10

You can’t see a comet without a telescope

7 / 10

What among the followings are the distinct parts of a comet?

8 / 10

Which famous comet, is seen from Earth once in 75 years?

9 / 10

When was Halley’s Comet last seen? in 1986

10 / 10

Halley’s Comet was named after English astronomer —

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