Asteroids Quiz

Created on By RKS

Asteroids Quiz-1

TTop Multiple Choice Questions with answers on Asteroids in Solar system (Basic Quiz)

1 / 10

Asteroids are leftovers of the early Solar System.

2 / 10

Which astronomer  first coined the word asteroid?

3 / 10

In which year, the first asteroid Ceres was discovered?

4 / 10

Total mass of the asteroid belt is less than 20% of earth’s moon

5 / 10

Astronomer William Herschel first coined the word asteroid, which means —-

6 / 10

Asteroids which are made up of carbon-rich material having low albedos are called —-

7 / 10

The main asteroid belt lies between the orbits of —-

8 / 10

What is the diameter of the largest asteroid Ceres?

9 / 10

Who discovered the first asteroid Ceres?

10 / 10

Which asteroid was discovered first?

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