Quiz on Origin of the Universe

Welcome to our captivating quiz page dedicated to origins of the universe! Our quiz delves into this vast cosmic canvas, offering you an exhilarating journey through the realms of astrophysics, cosmology, and astronomy.
Whether you’re a curious youngsters with a budding interest in General Knowledge (GK) in space or an aspiring scientist preparing for competitive exams, our quiz is designed to cater to a wide range of knowledge levels. With 40 G.K. Questions (MCQ) on Universe that range from the basics to the most intricate cosmic concepts, everyone can find their place in this cosmic challenge.

Get ready to test your knowledge through 40 Multiple Choice Questions, engage your curiosity, and discover the fascinating mysteries that surround the birth of the cosmos. Join us on this cosmic journey and embark on an adventure that is as thrilling as it is educational. Good luck, and may the universe’s secrets reveal themselves to you! Watch our Quiz Videos on YouTube

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Basic Quiz on Origin of the universe (10 Questions)


Origin of the Universe – Quiz-1

Top  Multiple Choice Quiz Questions (MCQ) on Origin of the Universe Quiz (Basic Level)

1. Heliocentric means around —-

2. Which theory explains the evolution of the Universe?

3. Heavy stars go through —- before turning into black holes.

4. Which is the largest known galaxy in the universe?

5. What do we mean by Nebula?

6. The study of the origin and evolution of the universe is known as

7. Which is the largest star in the universe?

8. Which astronomer suggested that the Sun was at the centre of the solar system?

9. The universe is constantly expanding making it impossible to reach the edge

10. Which astronomer placed Earth at the centre of the universe?

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Medium Level Quiz-2 (10 Questions)


Origin of the Universe – Quiz-2

Top quiz questions with answers on Origin of the Universe – Medium level

1. What is the approximate age of the Universe?

2. The reason we call an astronomical body a black hole is that

3. According to Kepler’s Laws, the cube of the mean distance of a planet from the sun is proportional to the —

4. The study of the origin and evolution of the universe is known as

5. Heliocentric means around —-

6. 1 light year =

7. As per astronomical measurements, the distant galaxies are

8. What is the meaning of redshift?

9. The position in the sky directly overhead is called?

10. Who first proposed the theory of Big-Bang in 1927?

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Advance Level Quiz-3 (10 Questions)


Origin of the Universe Quiz-3

Amazing quiz questions on Origin of the Universe-3 (Advanced Level)

1. Which scientist developed the theory of cosmic inflation?

2. The concept of “inflation” in the early universe refers to:

3. What is the estimated percentage of dark matter in the universe?

4. The age of the universe is determined by:

5. The redshift observed in distant galaxies is evidence of:

6. The expansion of the universe is mainly driven by:

7. What is the primary element believed to have formed immediately after the Big Bang?

8. What evidence supports the Big Bang theory?

9. What is the prevailing model for the shape of the universe?

10. According to the Big Bang theory, the universe originated from a:

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Advanced Level Quiz-4 (10 Questions)

Origin of the Universe Quiz-4

Top multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with answers on Universe (Advance Level)

1. What is an exoplanet?

2. A highly magnetized rotating neutron star that emits beams of electromagnetic radiation out of its magnetic poles is called as …

3. The point at which a body orbiting the Earth (such as the Moon or an artificial satellite) is farthest to the Earth …

4. The point at which a body orbiting the Earth’s Sun is farthest to the Sun is known as …

5. The point at which a body orbiting the Earth (such as the Moon or an artificial satellite) is closest to the Earth …

6. The point at which a body orbiting the Earth’s Sun is closest to the Sun is known as …

7. What is considered to  represent the very edges of our solar system at distance ranging from  2,000 to 200,000 AU?

8. A circumstellar disc of bodies such as asteroids, trojans, and centaurs in the outer Solar System, between 30 and 50 AU from the Sun is called as …

9. The circumstellar disc in the Solar System located roughly between Mars and Jupiter that is occupied by numerous irregularly shaped small bodies ranging in size from dust particles to asteroids and minor planets is called as ….

10. The straight-line configuration of three celestial bodies in a gravitational system is known as ‘syzygy.’

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Amazing facts on Universe

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