Picture Quiz-Solar System 0 votes, 0 avg 148 Picture Quiz – Solar System Top Multiple Choice Questions with answers on Picture Quiz- Solar system 1 / 10 Identify this star. Only star in our Univers. Proxima Centuri Sun Vega Sirius 2 / 10 Identigy this dwarf planet. Before 2006, this was also one of the planets in solar system. Uranus Callisto Pluto Eris 3 / 10 Identify this planet. Venus Jupiter Neptune Uranus 4 / 10 Which is this planet in our solar system? Saturn Venus Jupiter Neptune 5 / 10 Which is this planet? Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn 6 / 10 Identify this planet? Jupiter Mars Venus Mercury 7 / 10 Which is this planet? Jupiter Venus Mercury Mars 8 / 10 Identify this planet Neptune Mars Venus Jupiter 9 / 10 Which is this planet? Earth Uranus Neptune Jupiter 10 / 10 Identify this planet? There is life on this planet Mercury Mars Earth Venus Your score isThe average score is 77% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Take other related Picture Quiz Picture Quiz-Solar System Picture Quiz-Planets Symbols Picture Quiz-Constellations