The Mars Quiz

Created on By RKS

The Mars Quiz-1

Top Multiple Choice Questions with answers on planet Mars in Solar system (Basic Quiz)

1 / 10

Mars is the —- planet from the Sun

2 / 10

Mars is smaller than Mercury

3 / 10

The reddish appearance of Mars is due to —

4 / 10

Mars carries the name of the —-

5 / 10

Compared to Earth, the mass of Mars is

6 / 10

Compared to Earth, the volume of Mars is?

7 / 10

The diameter of Mars is about —- than that of the Earth
0.246 times B. 0.532 times
0.886 times D. 1.23 times

8 / 10

Mars is the second-smallest planet in the Solar System



Mars is the second-smallest planet in the Solar System



9 / 10

What is the orbital period of Mars?

10 / 10

Mars is often referred as the —- Planet?

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